Jury 2012
The jury members 2012 are:
Tita von Hardenberg founded the Berlin television production company Kobalt Productions in 1997 with her partner Stefan Mathieu. Since then Kobalt has been producing programmes, documentaries and live-shows for public-sector television. Their focus lies on cultural and political themes for young audiences. Regular TV shows include Tracks, Metropolis and Yourope on Arte and zdf.kulturpalast on ZDF.kultur. Tita von Hardenberg has three children and is honorary patron of Berlin’s child protection association and patron of the child hospice Heilstätten Bethel. It is her aim to continually find new and innovative ways to convey complex content, thereby creating challenging formats that also appeal to younger TV and Internet audiences. – Kobalt
Ronny Kraak was born in the shadow of the Wall in 1976 and enjoyed his childhood and early teen years in East Germany. After the fall of the Wall he moved to Berlin and fell in love with music, a passion he continues to indulge. Starting out as a construction site worker, he then mutated into a social worker – and remains one till this day. Aside from that he’s still a musician and passionate blogger with a focus on visuals and sound. – Das Kraftfuttermischwerk
Ivo Smolak aka Ivo Lotion, works as an entertainer, video and TV producer in Berlin. Since 2006 he has participated in music videos and web series both in front of and behind the camera. He is responsible for the bizarre clips on “Glasauge”, the satirical programme on Welt Online and was himself nominated for the Viral Video Award and the German Webvideopreis. He makes regular appearances as a writer, singer and presenter in Berlin Lesebühnen ensembles and on the TV show Lokalrunde. – Ivolotion