Send Your CV

Director: Mikael Gemoll
Country: Sweden
Year: 2008
Length: 1:12 min
Genre: Short Fiction
Producer: Markus Hejdenberg
Script / Drehbuch: Dedicate/Bobby
Editing / Schnitt: Mikael Gemoll
DoP / Kamera: Jens Jansson
Sound: TMP Sound
Score /Musik: TMP Sound

18 Responses to “Send Your CV”

  1. I’ll send my cv – NOW! :)

  2. Sehr gut,

  3. Brilliant! Made me laugh.

  4. Very funny and impressive, what a talent, how can he do that ?

  5. Very nice movie! 15 stars, no doubt! /Mats

  6. Good team work!!

  7. Very fun !!

  8. Very original, dynamic & brilliant.

  9. it’s amazing!!!

  10. Congratulations !

    Superb realization, prove of your dynamism, modernism, and action !

    Well well done!

  11. Funny and original !

  12. Well done !

  13. Grea tea work !
    I am really impressed.

    Long live Altran in Sweden!

  14. Great team work !
    I am really impressed.

    Long live Altran in Sweden!

  15. Office chairs with such good wheels, i apply!

  16. Lycka till from a colleague in Belgium! The award is all yours! Great video!

  17. Goooooo Altran Sweden !!!

  18. Probably the best video I’ve ever seen.
    I would really like to work there, seems like a fun place…

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