To a friend

Director: Pierpaolo Balani, Antonio Maccario
Country: Italy
Year: 2009
Length: 0:50 min
Genre: Animation
Producer: Ernesto Faraco
Script / Drehbuch): Pierpaolo Balani
Giovanni Provenzale
Valerio Vittozzi, Laura Larini

34 Responses to “To a friend”

  1. magico, simpatico, elegante, efficace

  2. i love this one. strong concept! good idea, great art direction!

  3. Delicato ed assolutamente centrato, bellissimo!

  4. barcellona e‘ con te! daje pie‘

  5. D A P A U R A ! Complimenti!


  7. braviiiiiii…….valerio è amichetto mio……..

  8. bom demais!!!!


  10. e dai che vincete!

  11. f a n t a s t i c ! ! !

  12. VINCERETE!!!!!!! Complimenti…….

  13. really cool! great concept and visual too

  14. braviiii

  15. VERY VERY NICE ^-^

  16. echt toll!!!!

  17. cool idea, really nice viral

  18. stupendo!!!!

  19. stupendo

  20. nice

  21. B-E-L-L-I-S-S-I-M-O

  22. excellent!

  23. simply the best!! I’s clear and effective, innovative, creative and romantic too…—-))))

  24. Stupendo!

  25. La perfezione della comunicazione nella sua semplicità. Bello

  26. Molto molto elegante e comunicativo. Semplicemente efficace

  27. Especially the mail address at the end is nice :-)

  28. This video is blocked from germany due to copyright restrictions (fuck you, catholic church?!)
    Use TOR and a youtube downloader to watch it anyway.
    Please don’t use copyrighted material without permission.

  29. „This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.“ Thanks, YouTube – and contest fail.

  30. „This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.“ Thanks, YouTube – and contest fail. Location: Germany.

  31. Admin here: We are trying to get the viral on another server. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  32. Should work now again….

  33. […] lobende Erwähnung sprach die Jury dem italienischen Anti-Aids-Viral „To a friend“ von Pierpaolo Balani und Antonio Maccario aus. Der Film spreche den Zuschauer nicht nur ästhetisch […]

  34. […] lobende Erwähnung sprach die Jury dem italienischen Anti-Aids-Viral „To a friend“ von Pierpaolo Balani und Antonio Maccario aus. Der Film spreche den Zuschauer nicht nur […]

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