World Cup 2018


World Cup 2018

Visions of the Middle East: Irael-Palestine, playing football for the World Cup, for peace and for a troubled region.
Visionen für Nahost: Israel-Palästina, Menschen spielen Fußball für die WM, für den Frieden, für eine aufgewühlte Region.

Director: Eytan Heller
Country: Israel
Year: 2007
Length: 0:45 min
Genre: Short Fiction
Producer: Gal Greenspan
Script / Drehbuch: Eytan Heller & Jonathan Avrahami
Editing / Schnitt: Dolev Moran
DoP / Kamera: Seffy Hirsch
Sound: Daniel Nahenson
Score / Musik: Jungle Sound Studio, Tel Aviv
Initiator / Auftraggeber: One Voice:

7 Responses to “World Cup 2018”

  1. I love it!!! It is original, interesting, with clever humor. I like the camera angles and want to see more… I like how the director is approaching the Israeli Palestenian conflict, refreshing and promising!!!

  2. I don’t think that the wall is the problem. The problem is the jewish right winged settlement movement and on the other side the islamistic dshihad groups. Both of them are handicaped by the wall – so it’s a great building.

  3. A real vision! – Thanks!

  4. I LOVE this game. continue your cool work.
    if I had money I wood sponsor you :)

    all the best.

  5. Great video, without words you can get the idea of the conflict, understandable for everyone.

  6. Great silent movie!

  7. […] World Cup 2018: Auch Fußballfans haben Träume und die wollen wir ihnen doch nicht nehmen oder? […]

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