Jan 25th – Take what’s yours!
Country: Egypt
Year: 2011
Length: 2:16 min
Genre: Documentary
Director: Tamer Shaaban
Producer: Mantis Films
Editing: Tamer Shaaban
DoP (= Kamera): Daily News Egypt, Masr Al-Youm
Music: „Into the Fire“ by Thirteen Senses
Cast: The brave Egyptian people
Proud of you all being so brave, courageous, showing the world that it could be done in a peaceful way.
Well done Tamer. Excellent video that inspired me and I believe also inspired many people during the revolution.
I hope the video wins as it will mean a lot to Egypt, Egyptians and to the young talented Tamer.
Mohamed Ibrahim
„We are all Khaled Said“ FB page admin
Thank you Mohamed. As cliche as this may sound, if this video does win, Egypt wins, and the people world wide win. This is just the first step to showing the world that the people do have a voice and when we come together we can write the future we want.
el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido
as the world said its most peaceful revolution happened in human histroy.also i think this revolution delau 10 years…..glory for egypt and egyptians youth.
Proud to be Egyptian, Congratulations in advance you deserve and Egyptians deserve that their voice be heard.
Let this revolution be one of national unity in which both muslims, copts and all other minorities can find each other on their common road to democracy.
In response to today’s developments, all Egyptians please start supporting copts in their strive for religious freedom; only then democracy will be a feasible goal for this revolution.
An extremely moving video, all in the name of freedom.
Good luck buddy we’re all cheering for you. I think without the power of social networking and young revolutionaries such as yourself and all the people in Egypt, the revolution would not have happened the way it did. I’m really proud of you man.
Where are the women?
The Egyptians are great!!! They inspired so many people around the world!!! Not only in Europe , even in other parts of the world the people are inspired by the arab spring!!! The Egyptian people give a great example for unity between different religions and cultures!!!!!! Please help each other, stay unity muslim and christians hand in hand!!! Fight peacefully for ur rights !!!! Don`t forget the women, the great Egyptian women!!!!!! Let us pray for all the great and brave people in Syria and Palestine, too!!! May they soon be free!
I’m so proud to be Egyptian
and i hope this video will win>>>>>>>
[…] Dark Side” von Greenpeace gegen relativ unbekannte aber nicht minder coole Filme wie “Jan 25th – Take what’s yours!” aus Ägypten […]
Great job on your video. I am coming to Egypt to make a film as well about some aspect of the revolution. If you own some of this footage I would like to use it as I was not there during the revolution. Can you please email me your phone number and I will call you when I arrive. sara_rashad@hotmail.com. You can also add me as a facebook friend so that we can communicate prior to my trip. Perhaps you can assist me with the film. Thanks very much, Sara Rashad filmmaker
[…] “JAN 25th – TAKE WHAT’S YOURS!” läuft beim Viral Video Award 2011 – hier abstimmen – und hier die 20 anderen Beiträge schauen! […]
da kriegt man gänsehaut
[…] die Filme „A Liter of Light“ von Nick Santiago und Mike Talampas (Philippinen) sowie „Jan 25th – Take what’s yours!“ von Tamer Shaaban (Ägypten). „A Liter of Light“ zeigt anschaulich und mit dokumentarischen […]
[…] – sowie „Jan 25th – Take what’s yours!“ von Tamer Shaaban (Ägypten) – Video ansehen. „A Liter of Light“ zeigt anschaulich und mit dokumentarischen Mitteln, wie man aus der Not […]
It’s so inspiring to see people who are brave and are fighting for freedom.
Yes, I agree with you. i feel do much for them and hope the government would hear our cry.