Mad Sausage
Country: The Netherlands
Year: 2013
Length: 1:37 min
Director: Louis van Zwol
Producer: Erika Vocking
Editing: Kevin Whelan & Jelmar Hoekstra
Script: Louis van Zwol
DoP: NSC Steve Walker
Music: Geert van Galen
Website Client: Mad Sausage / Mercy For Animals
Great movie. Should win the contest.
This should win the contest
Bravo! Hope you win!!!
This is a winner
This should win!!!
Should definitely win.
Fab. Well done.
Great message! So well done – sending it to the 2 meat eaters I know.
Everyone should watch this thought provoking video!
quite poignant and powerful
I hope this makes people think.
I promise to eat more vegetables instead of meat.
Made my whole night, and what a great way to say good night!
A complete story told, a strong and effective message sent, all in 3 mins, 31 secs.
Great!! Must win.
THANK YOU! Well done.
Please give this credit. This deserves to be shown all over. Thank you.
I (and certainly my beloved animals) are sad but also hopefull about this movie.
Message clear and to the point.
You people MUST win
This deserves to win!!
Very good and I hope it helps!
Awesome short film! Brings across the message really well!
Animals can’t talk. We have to be their voice. This video does just that. It’s funny and sad at the same time. The winner!
Let this one win because every meatlover or eater
should have seen this at least one time !!
It’s terrific! Hoping it will change meat-eaters! Go Vegan! Bravo for film!
Great movie, Thanks!
What a powerful message! Well done, hope you win!
….. No words needed……
Super. Outstanding. This is the winner
This is the true story ! Has to win !
Bravo for film!! Should win!!
geweldig zoals dit in elkaar zit de boodschap komt zo heel goed over dit moet de 1e prijs worden !!!!!!!!!!!
WOW !!! Right to the point ! WIN IT !!
steen goeie film, compliment!
short but (bitter) sweet
Heel goede commercial!! Ik hoop dat er een zender is die deze realiteit op TV durft uit te zenden!!!! Lof lof lof.
>| It’s a start for a better environment. That means for animals too. Good luck. gtz from a Black Dog. |<
This advertising is very impressive!!!! WEll done!
Great video……even GREATER MESSAGE!! Bravo!
Brilliant! This video deserves the win for sure!
geweldig goed
Awesome !
This one should win.
I sincerely hope this wins the contest!!!!
Hope this video wins!
Eye-opening video! Deserves to win!
so sad, but so true.. .a winner
Fabulous message!! Animals deserve a better life!! No doubt, this movie should win!!
Such an important little film. This vegan likes it and thinks it should win!
This is a winner!
Excellent! Definitely the winner
Brilliant! These should be on broadcast television!
Here’s hoping this one takes the prize!
Great! I hope this wins and gets attention!
Wow this gave me goosebumps. Great message, the video clips of the animal abuse practiced in slaughter houses will definitely be moving in getting people to change their diet.
Just hate the cussing
A winner, definitely!!!!
VERY well done…in such a short video!
Mad Sausage is The Best – very creative and inventive. It should definitely win!
Sharing this info is so important – so many people are unaware of the cruelty and abuse of factory farming. This video is a winner.
Believe these kind of films should be shown on television every single day in order to reach a wider public. FANTASTIC
Win..this should fucking win.
Nice, should win!
must be win!
Brilliant & Bravo!!
great film, great and true story
and the winner is: mad saucage
It follows the same narrative as usual shocking-camagnes against eating meat….not very original i’d say.
Great one, should be watched by all meat eaters!
Good and short message against the animal cruelty for meat!