
Country:  Germany
Year:  2012
Length: 1:47 min

Director:  Kay Kienzler
Producer: Steffen P. Schmid
Client: Raid (Spec)

Editing: Gloria Zettel
Script: Kay Kienzler
DoP:   Maximilian Hoever
Sound: David Rädler
: Daniel Elias Brenner
Animation: Christian Bohm, Falko Paepper
Cast: Rocio Gutierrez Cuellar, Oscar Molina

Website Director:
Website Client: Stop the traffic

3 Responses to “Martha”

  1. Video doesn’t work??

    Video funktioniert bei mir nicht.

  2. Sorry, I don´t understand what its about! But I want to know, so if anyone cld explain it…:)
    My guess is that its about trafficking, but??

  3. I think it’s about a woman who is afraid of spiders.
    After her husband died, there’s nobody to kill spiders in the house anymore and she gets almost crazy until she conquers her fear and kills the spider with Raid.

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